Question for those who oppose war................


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have heard the argument that it is non of our business to attack Iraq. For those of you who agree, I have a question.

If your neighbor was physically or sexually abusing their children would you step in? If you were the children, would you want someone to protect you?

good question, but something is missing there.

first of all, who is abused here ?

saddam's neighboors ?

no (they form the so-called arab league and they are against the war )

usa ?

no. (saddam's 150 miles range missiles cant make any threat to usa. by the way, i stil havent seen any proof of saddam's ties with islamic terrorists all over the world)

iraq ?

yes. usa and british planes are dropping bombs on this country on every day basis and yet no one cares. one of 5 iraqui children dye before the age of 5. why ? because they can not buy the medication. why ? because the western civilisations want their own rule in iraq. why ?because iraq stil has a huge oil potential.

so, no one is abused, except for iraq.

now i want to ask you something.

is iraq the only country in the world having biological weapons ?

isn't saddam hussein the guy who was helped big time by usa in his war against iran (and ussr)
what happened to the friendship ?

if a country is abused (and in this case no country is really abused), there is an institution called UN to decide wether or not that country should be helped.

in this case, UN thinks that the war is not the best option.
by the way, i dont think that saddam is a good guy. not even close.

but i dont think there is a reason for usa to bomb them.

all over canada high scholls and universities are protesting against the war today.

at the same time another canadian war ship went to the golf today.

the pools show that over 60% canadians are against the war, but the gvt doesnt care.

in england, you have even a funnier situation.

tony blair is fighting this war on his own. even his own political party is against it.

for me, this is a personnal war between the Bush family and Tony blair at one side, and Saddam Hussein at the other side.
forgot this

if you think the iraqi people are abused, you are probably right. but thats their problem and they do not ask for help.
they are not kids. they can throw him out if they want, but they dont.

they like saddam, so be it.

the war will only help saddam. he will have more support if another country attacks iraq.

take a look at nato attack on yugoslavia.

the people did not buy it. they fought together against usa. when they decided to get rid of milosevic, they did it on their own. in one day.

they did something that 70 days of heavy bombs couldnt do.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don Marco - The children are the people of Iraq.

I'm not sure I understood your answer but I think you are saying that you would put together a meeting of other people in the neighborhood and present your evidence and have a vote. Then if one of the neighbors is friends with the abusers and refuses to see your evidence and votes not to do would then do nothing.

Is that correct?

Another question, are you saying that Afganistan is worse off now than they were before we got rid of Al-Queda?

Regarding the Tony Blair situation, that's funny, I heard today that 75% of England supports the war now. I guess it depends on your source.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don Marco - Do you honestly think the Iraqi people are allowed to disagree with Sadam? I heard on the radio the other day that a Democrat Liberal went to Iraq and heard a story about someone being executed in Iraq and she cam back to the US and changed her view on the war.

I also heard that the Human Shields went to Iraq expecting to defend schools and other non targeted facilities however Saddaam wouldn't let him. He would only let them stand outside of factories and other facilties that contained Chemical weapons.

From listening to you in these last couple of emails it sounds like you would have a better life in Iraq tha the US, but that's just my opinion.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Elmer--I pronounce you the wittiest jackinape of the season

Who do you like in NHL tonite buddy??

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ps,if not for america,you canadians would all be called "boris &natasha".shut yer yap & thak the good lord above for the united states of america!!!!!!
kman: thats it.

however, i dont think you can call france, germany and russia <the friends> of iraq.

afghanistan : time will tell.

dont forget that afghanistan was not born with usa occupation. that country has a big history, and once upon a time was considered the most advanced and modern country in that region. taugh wars made them what they are now.

england : watching cnn i found out that your number is correct, but keep in mind that those 75% of englishman support the war IF UN APPROVES IT. if you play with those numbers, make sure to use the complete facts, not only the parts that you like.

and as far as i know, UN is not even close to approve it. UN is not only USA, but also France, Germany, Russia, China, and many other countries. it cant be that all those countries are friends with iraq, cant it ?

iraqui people : off course they are not allowed to disagree with Sadam. but who cares ? is that a good reason for a country like usa which is, by the way, 2 continents and a whole ocean far away from iraq to impose their rules ?

finally i do not live in usa.
i've been in your country many times and i love it. but you have to understand that some other countries have their own opinions and values.

i would never live in a country like iraq.
but i would never live in a country like usa either.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Don Marco - You say France, Germany, and Russia are not friends of Iraq. Well, I think there have been numerous reports about how those countries get along, and they get along very well. If you haven't read these reports, there are many financial agreements between these countries.

I also see that you don't care about the Iraqi people. I'm sorry you are one of those people who would rather do nothing then to help others. There is nothing I can say that will change that.

Well, I don't know what else I can say to you. We are 2 totally different people. I live in the US and feel threatened by terrorists and would like to help other people, where as you don't live in the US so don't feel threatened and you could care less about other people in other countries.

Good Luck in your gambling endeavors.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
why do you think we encouraged draft dodgers to go to canada??? hello!! so they could be with their own kind(chicken shits).god bless america !!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KMAN:
Don Marco - You say France, Germany, and Russia are not friends of Iraq. Well, I think there have been numerous reports about how those countries get along, and they get along very well. If you haven't read these reports, there are many financial agreements between these countries.

I also see that you don't care about the Iraqi people. I'm sorry you are one of those people who would rather do nothing then to help others. There is nothing I can say that will change that.

Well, I don't know what else I can say to you. We are 2 totally different people. I live in the US and feel threatened by terrorists and would like to help other people, where as you don't live in the US so don't feel threatened and you could care less about other people in other countries.

Good Luck in your gambling endeavors.


I agree that we are 2 totally different people.

But, I know that I help people whenever I can, in real life.

FYI, I spend a lot of time volonteering for charity organisations.

So, my question is, why USA do not help iraqui people by lifting the bans on medication imports.

Bombs will not help, especially not those with uranium. Make sure to find some pertinent info about those bombs. They have been used in USA bombings of Iraq, Bosnia, and Yugoslavia.

Sending medications to those people will help.

As for financial agreements between Iraq and other countries, it is a normal thing.

USA has financial agreements with many countries in the world but France, Germany and Russia are not bombing these countries.

For exemple, USA has financial agreements with Turkey and Pakistan. Those islamic countries openly help Tchetchen terrorists in their fight against the Christian Russia. But Russia is not bombing Turkey and Pakistan.

If you think that USA is the only country having problems with terrorists, think again.

Everyone who kills americans is automatically called a terrorist.

However, the Tchetchen terroirist who had hundreds of Russians in custody in a Moscow theater a few months ago were called Commandos and Thetchen liberation fighters by CNN.

How arrogant is that.


New member
Jan 21, 2002
kman..............there will always be people who oppose ALL wars.........dont try to waste your time by explaining valid reasons to go to war with sadam.....people like don marco will not accept any reasons.........

sadam needs to be removed plain and simple......if the us has to bomb iraq to do so be it.......

New member
Jan 21, 2002
I was a Marine in Somalia, the average person was unable to help themselves against the many different militia groups that were fighting for control. A US soldier enlists knowing that they are going to be a world peacekeeper, that role is accepted, and we are proud to be able to do it.

People have their right to oppose war, but they must support their fellow countryman.

Iraq harbors terrorists, and for that reason alone IMO they need to be dealt with.

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